There is not a lot out there on these cars, there are 3 books and of course this website 
By far the best book out there is "FIAT Dino Ferrari by another name" written by Mike Morris. This is the book that you need to own if you are interested in the Dino, it is full of history and production details and some great pictures. Unfortunately, the book is out of print so you have to get it from e-bay or Amazon as a used book and be prepared to pay dearly for it. Trust me, it is worth every penny and then some. Its a 152 pages of great information from the mundane (in my opinion but not everyone opinion) like factory brochures and literature on thecar, to the critical motor information, I bet there is not a single page that you will not find something interesting on. I have actually read the entire book page-by-page and use it as reference on this site frequently. |
Kind of a re-hash of Mike Morris's book, the same information, but new pictures, including some in color. Its a 125 pages and written in French and English, one column in French and one column in English on each page. Reasonably priced and still available. |
A 92 page compilation of various reviews of the Dino, both here in the U.S. and from U.K. Magazines. Not that useful a book from a historical point of view as it gives very little information but a fun read to see what people of the cars in those days, again still available and down right inexpensive, so why not own it. |
Working on other documents, there are several items such as manuals, etc. that I will include here soon. |
Mike Morris also is selling on E-bay a DVD that is a compilation of Dino's facts and pictures, it is many hours of great information. It has one section on Dino's in the movies that will soon be here on this website (well not the videos themselves, get the DVD from Mike for that). Great color pictures of Dino's so you can see the different colors and how great they look no matter what the color. I will do a more in-depth review of the DVD soon but for now, go to E-bay and get the DVD. |
Also, take a look at our FIAT Dino Manuals Page |